
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Closeout of Mexico (almost) and on to Costa Rica

Well, the lawyer said that it would be cost prohibitive to try to get the Tahoe back and that there was not even much chance of success. He further suggested that while the car problem is considered a civil matter  (i.e. not a criminal matter) in Mexico, that to be on the safe side, I should not travel to Mexico for the next five years. After five years, the case would go away. Of course, Mary Lou has no such restrictions since she was not involved in the “illegal importation of goods into Mexico” (i.e. the car). 

The Mexico story is pretty much over for us for now although I have a friend who lives in Querétaro who insisted that I send him all the documents and that he will see if there is anything that can be done. I sent him the documents but have no hope that he can do anything. Thanks for trying José Antonio.

So, today we’re off to Costa Rica. Plans are to do some rubber rafting, zip lining, see some volcanos, hike in the cloud forests, go to the beach and some other stuff.

Should be very restful and relaxing! More tomorrow or the next day.


1 comment:

  1. Ken Hope your Costa Rica treats U better than Mexico. Your plans there sound great! Enjoy the adventure. Be Safe Jim
