
Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Travel Partner

I am fortunate to have a great travel partner for our upcoming trips to Mexico and to South America. Mary Lou and I have been friends for many years and have shared quite a few adventures together. We have many traits that we share in common. Both of us are retired and have the time (and within reason, the finances) to travel. We both have a great sense of adventure, are flexible enough to accommodate each other’s interests and needs, and above all else, we share a deep natural curiosity about what’s beyond the next hill. In short, we like to go, see, do.

Our differences also help balance us. I tend to be rather impulsive and an incurable adrenaline junkie. Mary Lou, on the other hand, is more careful about risk and much more inclined to research and plan in advance for any trip. This turns out to be a good combination. I dream up adventures and persuade Mary Lou to do it and then she contributes research and planning. It gives her comfort while giving my crazy ideas some structure (as well as a dose of reality).  Pretty Cool! 


  1. I'm not sure where the reality comes in. From my perspective, you propose something, I say "Are you nuts!?!", then follow right along squawking all the way. Curiosity is a mighty motivator. I wonder what's going to happen this time?

  2. Good luck!! Enjoy the adventure!!
